CF PREMIUM COMPANY LTD is the only market leader producing cayenne pepper in Rwanda and the best in the region.
Established in 2014, the company was built on the idea of farming and manufacturing cayenne pepper.
Over the years, the company has developed a passion to cultivate and value addition of cayenne pepper, producing superior products such as;
Cayenne pepper in powder form, infusing it in natural honey, organic black tea and organic green tea. The company has continuously developed new superior chili known as TEJA, NAMDHARI and SEVEN COLOUR MIX, with high productivity, yield and better disease resistance. The introduction of these superb chili varieties helped us to penetrate the export market and improve the lives of our local farmers who work with us in our farms by increasing knowledge in cultivation, planting, harvesting and postharvest.
Hectors of land255
of casual workers2
permanent agronomists5
Farm group leaders